Sunday, September 21, 2014

Hello Fall!

We have had a great first 30 days of school. I'm so proud of all the progress being made by our kids! 

Some upcoming events include;

First grade will give away a grocery cart full of groceries at Fall Festival. Please send in non perishable items for the cart as soon as possible. The class with the largest contribution will receive a party! 

We are also creating a s'mores basket, complete with a fire pit to be auctioned off at Fall Festival (October 24th) please send in any items that we could include in our basket such as ; marshmallows, graham crackers, skewers, and chocolate.) All proceeds from Fall Festival items will go to purchasing items such as furled trips and classroom supplies. 

Tomorrow, 9/22 is picture day. Dress your best (no uniform/dress code wear) 

9/26 is a dress your best day- the cost to be out of dress code on this day is $1.00. All proceeds go to PTA.

Fall Break is October 6-10. 

The next Beta service day is October 17th. On this day students may come to school dressed as their favorite book character, but the must donate a new or used book to their classroom! (The kids love reading books they know they donated! This was the most fun service day last year!) The first grade teachers are busy planning and making their costumes as well! Here is a sneak peek at what we're doing.)