Sunday, September 29, 2013

T- Minus 5 Days!

With only five days until Fall Break we have a busy week ahead! 

We will have the same spelling words as last week since it was a short week as far as Small group time last week. See the post from last Monday for spelling words. 

We will also finish our unit on living and Bon Lving this week with a collaboration project with the 5th grade where we will share our finished projects with them as they show us what they've been working on a well! 

Also please do not forget to send in items for the UK/UL basket we will auction off at Fall Festival on October 24th! We are also taking donations of non perishable grocery items for our grocery cart that will be given away that night as well! 

Here's to a fab five days!!!

Monday, September 23, 2013

Happy Monday!

We have a full week lined up! We are MAP testing today and tomorrow to see how our students are performing in Reading and Math! 

Our field trip to the Zoo is THIS Thursday. Please make sure your child is in uniform and wears tennis shoes on this day. 

We will not have a spelling test this Friday because of MAP Testing and our field trip. The students will receive their spelling words today, and should practice each night as usual, however the test will be NEXT Friday, October 4th. 

Below are the spelling words and sight words for the week! 

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Happy Sunday!

Hope everyone has enjoyed this beautiful cool weekend! My family and I attended a small festival near the town where we live. Nothing like the small town life- oh and yummy funnel cakes! 

Remember there is no school for student tomorrow. We teachers will be gettin' our learn on! Gotta stay sharp to keep us with our little rugrats! 

Field trip forms went home this week. If you have not returned your child form and $5, please do so as soon as possible. We could also use a few more chaperones as well! If you've been approved as a volunteer we could use your help! 

Below are this weeks spelling words! Please have your child practice them each night!


Sunday, September 8, 2013

1/8 of the school year in the books!!!

Wow! I can't believe it's already mid-September!!! Only 14 school days until Fall Break... But who's counting? 😉

This week we will finish our American symbols unit as well as briefly discuss 9/11. Progress reports will also go home this week as well. 

We've been working hard in class tackling new reading and math skills. As you've noticed we have math and spelling homework almost nightly. Please make sure your child is practicing spelling each night. It is very easy to distinguished which friends have been doing their homework! 

If you'd like fun way to practice spelling check under our "spelling" tab for website and ideas to fun practice. Mrs. Yonker's favorite is good old fashion shaving cream spelling words! Kids love smearing it on the table and writing their words in it! Messy- but well worth it! 

Here are this weeks spelling words! Have a super week! 😉