Sunday, September 21, 2014

Hello Fall!

We have had a great first 30 days of school. I'm so proud of all the progress being made by our kids! 

Some upcoming events include;

First grade will give away a grocery cart full of groceries at Fall Festival. Please send in non perishable items for the cart as soon as possible. The class with the largest contribution will receive a party! 

We are also creating a s'mores basket, complete with a fire pit to be auctioned off at Fall Festival (October 24th) please send in any items that we could include in our basket such as ; marshmallows, graham crackers, skewers, and chocolate.) All proceeds from Fall Festival items will go to purchasing items such as furled trips and classroom supplies. 

Tomorrow, 9/22 is picture day. Dress your best (no uniform/dress code wear) 

9/26 is a dress your best day- the cost to be out of dress code on this day is $1.00. All proceeds go to PTA.

Fall Break is October 6-10. 

The next Beta service day is October 17th. On this day students may come to school dressed as their favorite book character, but the must donate a new or used book to their classroom! (The kids love reading books they know they donated! This was the most fun service day last year!) The first grade teachers are busy planning and making their costumes as well! Here is a sneak peek at what we're doing.) 

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Holy Heat Stroke, Batman!

It sure has been a hot one this weekend! I made sure to take time to sharpen my saw this weekend, and soak in the pool! I hope you all have had a nice weekend as well! 

This week we will be reading our Reading Street story, "Tip and Tam." We will have our pre spelling test tomorrow, so look for new spelling words to be stapled in your child's agenda tomorrow afternoon! Spelling words are also available now to study on spelling city. 

We will have our first math assessment this week as well! When these math test come home you will notice that there are two test. One is a pre test that we took on the first day, and the second will be the end of unit test for Unit one. The goal is to see growth (a higher score.) Celebrate these success with your children! They have been working very hard in math! 

We are continuing our study on community this week by talking about rules and laws. 

Our seven habits focus for this week is Habit 2, "begin with the end in mind." This habit means to have a plan. Think of a goal you'd like to reach, how will you get there? What is your plan? Discuss this with your children. They should be experts at talking about goals, we discuss this often in class! :) 

Like last week, post pictures of your kids beginning with the end in mind to our Facebook page. I LOVED seeing everyone in action last week being proactive!

 Before I go, here are some shots of our week last week! 

Predicting dice rolls in math! Great synergizing going on here!

Pattern block creations in math centers. 

Our fantastic Chef hats as we discussed community helpers. 

Mrs. Hahn and Chef Kurtis!

Don't forget FRC fundraisers are due Monday. All proceeds go to help our students with programs sponsored by our fantastic FRC. 

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Week 1 in the books!!!

We've successfully completed our first full week as first graders- and it was AWESOME!!!!!

Here are some snap shots from our week! 
Playing the line game during a restroom break! 

Ordering numbers in math!

Small group reading center with Mrs.Hahn.

Using iPods to practice phonic skills. 

We also attended a dental program provided by the FRC where we learned the importance of brushing our teeth twice a day! 

This week we will be reading "Snap" and reviewing letter sounds, as well as discussing the setting of the story and using nouns to name places. 

We will begin MAP testing on the 21st. MAP test are computer based test that let's us see exactly what skills your child is excelling at, and what skills need more practice! We begin our MAP test at 7:40 that day, so please make sure your child is at school by 7:30. :) 

We will have our spelling pre test tomorrow, and spelling words for the week will be stapled in your child's agenda. Please have them practice EACH night. (Missing homework assignments may result in not attending Fun Friday.) We will also begin having nightly math homework this week as well. It is a great idea to have your child do their spelling on the back of their math page so it is all together and easily turned in. 

This week we will also begin our school wide focus in Habit 1 of the Leader In Me program. Habit one is being proactive - I'm in charge of me. Please post a picture of your child being proactive on our classroom Facebook page if you can, so we may share how our friends and families are proactive outside of school! 

Have a happy Sunday!!

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Off and running!

Weve had a fantastic start to the new school year! 

I'm amazed at how easily these guys and gals are fitting right into first grade, and being a Woodland Eagle! 

Next week we are really jumping in by beginning our reading series. We will have our first list of spelling words. They will come home on Monday in your child's agenda. (If your child does not have an agenda yet, they may purchase one in the office for $3.00) We will continue with our math series and math centers as well! 

On Friday your child brought home a fundraising packet. There is a small book inside for you to fill out addresses of friends and family. Please fill out at least 7 addresses and send this back to school Monday. Your child will receive a bear figure lanyard when this booklet is returned. There is also a big sales booklet for cookie dough and photo book sales (great for Christmas presents.) They're many prizes listed inside your child can win for selling a certain number of items. All money from this fundraiser goes to our schools FRC to assist in many programs and events for our school. 

Those of you signed up for Do Jo should be received weekly reports on your child's behavior via e mail, and you are free to message me directly via Do Jo as well! 

This is what our class clip chart looks like, so if your child comes home and is on green, blue, purple, or pink, you know they've had a good day! 

Thanks for a great start to the new year! 

Sunday, July 13, 2014

My sunscreen is empty!

Well, it's almost THAT time. Yes, it is only the 13th of July, but for this teacher crunch time is starting. I've enjoyed my pool days, soaked up all the sun allowed, and currently we're on our way home from a fantastic Michigan vacation to visit family. 
(Lake Michigan from Tunnel Park)

The reality is, in two weeks I'll be Mrs. Yonker again, not just "Momma, where are my flip flops"? 

I cannot wait for some of the exciting things coming to Woodland first graders this year. We are so lucky to have a fantastic team of first grade teachers who love teaching, and the kids we teach. 

I hope each of you have enjoyed your summer, and fill these last few weeks with wonderful summer memories. I can't wait to meet everyone (plus see all my previous babies) at open house July 31st from 5-7. 

Until then, play in the grass, spray someone with the hose, get your feet dirty and eat a few s'mores. 

Mrs. Yonker

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

End of the year activity

See Mrs.  Yonker's class on Facebook for a list of our upcoming end of the year activities. 

Monday, May 19, 2014

Sunday, May 4, 2014

...and down the stretch they come!!!!

With only 23 days of school left, we have ALOT to pack into the rest of the school year! 

This past week we had a great time exploring traditions of the Kentucky Derby! We made Derby hats and paraded to sing My Old Kentucky Home to other classrooms!

Our classmate Ariana was recognized for putting first things first during Friday morning meeting.

Coming up this week...

We will have our final field trip this Thursday to Lincoln's birthplace. If you have not returned your child's permission form and money, please do so as soon as possible. 

On Thursday please make sure your child wears tennis shoes with their uniform, as we will do a lot of walking, and uniform shorts would be wise, as it's supposed to be 86 degrees! (Sheesh!)

Here are the new spelling words for the next two weeks. We will test on these words May 16th. 

I hope everyone had a great Derby weekend and enjoys this beautiful Sunday!!!

Sunday, April 20, 2014

April is almost over!

Can you believe this is the end of April already?!?!

We had a super Easter week and have so much planned for this coming week! 

Here are some of our friends hunting eggs! You should've seen their faces when I told them they could only take eggs that has their number on them! Everyone really used their synergizung skills calling out to friends when they found eggs with their numbers on them! Good work! 

Upcoming events:

We will have our next field trip on May 8th to Lincoln's birthplace. Permission slips will be going home tomorrow. 

Also, don't forget about our "Egg Drop" activity happening this Friday. See the note below for more information. 

These are the new spelling words for this week! Our test will be in May 2nd! 

In celebration of Earth day we are going to take advantage of the freshly cleaned nature preserve across the street from school, and we will be planting some items in our first grade garden area! What a great week!!!

Friday, April 18, 2014

Egg Drop family project!

This letter went home with your child today. Please help them with this fun project.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Short and Sweet!

Spelling words are the same as last week, test Friday. Don't forget to send in filled eggs for our hunt by Friday! Happy Sunday

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Goodbye Spring Break

I hope everyone has enjoyed their Spring Break! I'm spending this weekend wrapping my mind around going back to school! We have 9 more weeks of hard work before your babies are officially second graders!!! 

This week we will be learning about authors purpose, goods and services, and finishing Unit 8 of our math series on shapes and fractions. 

Here are the new spelling words. Remember we keep the same words for two weeks. The test on these words will be April 18th. They are posted on Spelling City as well. 

Before we left for break students received a Flat Stanley to take along with them. These are the adventures I've received this far... 

Blaire had a tea party, went to the Zoo, and the Newport aquarium! 

AJ took Stanley to the Eleite 8 game to watch UK win, maybe he's a good luck charm? They also went to see Captain America in 3D! 

While we stayed close to home, I did manage to freshen up my flower beds, do a little thrift store "treasure hunting," and get lots of little boy kisses. I hope your break has been fab! 

*If you have Flat Stanley pictures send them in at any time! 

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Spring break is in sight!!!

This is our last week until Spring Break! I can't believe we're here already! 

This week was a wild and fun week! 

That pesky leprechaun made a MESS of our room and no one caught him!!! 

We also had a great time at the Jr. Beta after school dance! 

We will have our spelling test this Friday, as well as finish our unit on Life Cycles and animal groups. We have been learning about point of view this past week, and to finish up we will be presenting our play of "The three little wolves as the big bad pig" on Friday morning at 8:00 am! 

Also, don't forget about the first grade performance of "My Many Colored Days" Thursday evening at 6:00. The students have been working VERY hard to learn all their parts! 

Here's to another fantastic week!