Monday, December 9, 2013

Let it snow!!!

Hope everyone enjoyed their snow day on Friday! 

We had a great Monday! I'll be out to a meeting all day tomorrow, but it's back to business Wednesday. 

This week the PTA is sponsoring the Santa Shop where students can buy gifts for their families. I will be taking the class on Wednesday after lunch to shop. If your child wants to bring money on Wednesday they can do their own Christmas shopping! 

This week were working on some very sweet holiday writing and gearing up for our Christmas around the world next week! 

Here are our spelling words for the week. Stay warm! 

Monday, December 2, 2013

Full of turkey!

I'm ready to get back to work tomorrow!!! 

I hope you all had a wonderful turkey day celebrating all you're thankful for. Here is a glimpse of what we did before Thanksgiving break...

Our turkey with thankful feathers and our take home feathers! These were adorable!

We also discussed how Native Americans used symbols to write, and how they used animal skins for "paper."

We also did a listening craft to create our own Mayflowers and discussed the voyage the pilgrims made from England to Plymoth. 

We're full of Christmas cheer now! Can't wait for all of our Holiday activities it really is the most wonderful time of year!

This weeks spelling and sight words! 

Here's to three weeks of holiday fun!!!