Monday, December 9, 2013

Let it snow!!!

Hope everyone enjoyed their snow day on Friday! 

We had a great Monday! I'll be out to a meeting all day tomorrow, but it's back to business Wednesday. 

This week the PTA is sponsoring the Santa Shop where students can buy gifts for their families. I will be taking the class on Wednesday after lunch to shop. If your child wants to bring money on Wednesday they can do their own Christmas shopping! 

This week were working on some very sweet holiday writing and gearing up for our Christmas around the world next week! 

Here are our spelling words for the week. Stay warm! 

Monday, December 2, 2013

Full of turkey!

I'm ready to get back to work tomorrow!!! 

I hope you all had a wonderful turkey day celebrating all you're thankful for. Here is a glimpse of what we did before Thanksgiving break...

Our turkey with thankful feathers and our take home feathers! These were adorable!

We also discussed how Native Americans used symbols to write, and how they used animal skins for "paper."

We also did a listening craft to create our own Mayflowers and discussed the voyage the pilgrims made from England to Plymoth. 

We're full of Christmas cheer now! Can't wait for all of our Holiday activities it really is the most wonderful time of year!

This weeks spelling and sight words! 

Here's to three weeks of holiday fun!!!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Gettin' Crafty!!!

Were only 7 school days away from Thanksgiving break!!!

Tonight the students will have a black paper turkey feather to decorate at home. GO NUTS! Well be using these feathers to make a turkey display in the hall. We want each feather to be unique and different as they will tie into our study about cultures. Please decorate these with your child and send it back to school as soon as possible. Below is a picture of what we're trying to achieve so you have an idea. (Use beads, cereal, beans, pasta, ripped colored paper, or your favorite craft supply.) 

Also, we will all have the same Thanksgiving themed spelling words this week. Thanksgiving is our bonus word worth 5 points!!! 

See our sight words as well. Read these each night with your child! 

Happy Monday friends! Thanks for sharing your sweet kids with me each day! 

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Moving right along!

I cannot believe it is already time for us to begin studying cultures and traditions!!!

November may be one of my favorite months to teach because we have SO many neat things we do to learn about different cultures and traditions related to the Thanksgiving holiday. 

This week we will begin looking at Native Americans and how they lived long ago. We will make our oun Native American headdresses where students may earn feathers of honor for doing honorable things- like exceptional behavior. This is great because students will wear their headdress until Thanksgivning break and others will see their feathers of honor as well. 

Below you can find our spelling words and sight words for the week. Also, please make sure your child is studying spelling each night as well as completing their math homework. We began tracking our homework in our data notebooks and the students are so excited to color in their pie graphs when they have their homework. 

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

November Spelling Choice Menu

Some of our friends seemed to have lost their Spelling Menu for November. I'm posting a copy here so you may go back to reference it at any time. They may choose any of these activities for their homework, or any of the other options under the spelling tab. 

Sunday, November 3, 2013

What a week!!!!

Shew!!!! What a week!!!!!

We finally finished our marathon month of October and boy am I happy to have the three day weekend to recover!!!

This is what our week looked like...

We danced to the skeleton song and read the story "Dem Bones."

We had Fall rotations this week where we visited each first grade teacher to do a fall activity. This is the craft we made after reading "Red Leaf, Yellow Leaf." The kids really enjoyed using their fingers to create the leaves on their tree using paint! 

We were so lucky to have Mrs. Kristen in our class this nine weeks. She is a block 2 student from WKU and she promises to be a great teacher! She was also nice enough to bring pumpkins for each student in our class!! We celebrated her being with us by painting the pumpkins, having popcorn, and making her Thank You cards to tell her how much we appreciated her! 

On Friday we had our Sharpen the Saw time to keep ourselves well rounded with work and play. Some students chose to come to Mrs. Yonkers room for some tech time playing on the iPads. Other students chose to go do Wii dancing in Mrs. mousers room. (Students who did not complete homework or "put first things first" this week, went to the first things first room so they had a opportunity to catch up. You can see where your child went on their classroom Do Jo report.)

Our town celebrated trick-or-treating on Friday and this is my husband and his little loot!!! 

Finally, we took some time to sharpen our own saw by having a nice dinner and playing at Blazers Fun Zone to celebrate our oldest reaching his AR goal in just one week!!! 

This week we will have THE SAME spelling words as last week since we have had two, four day weeks. This should give them plenty of time to know these words. 

I hope you all enjoy your extra day off tomorrow! See you Tuesday! 

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

It's almost Halloween

It was great to see all the parents at conferences yesterday!

This is the week of Halloween and we will be doing lots of fun activities! We will also have a Fall Party on Friday at 1:20. You are welcome to attend, and any treats you could send would be appreciated! Remember, school rules say no homemade treats. 

Here are our spelling words and sight words for the week. Please put first things and complete all math and spelling homework this week so each child can make it to sharpen the saw on Friday!

We will also say goodbye to Mrs. Kristen, our WKU student that has been learning with us this quarter. She has been a great resource for our class and is sure to make a great teacher someday soon!!!

Monday, October 21, 2013

It's Fall Y'all!!!

Good Morning!!! 

Lots to do this week! We're (the kids... Yes, the kids) are busy preparing our data to share with parents during conferences taking place next Monday. 

We are also gearing up for Fall Festival which is THIS Thursday from 5:30-7:30. Please send in any boxed or canned food  for our First Grade grocery cart by Wefnesday. Stop by and enter to win it the night of Fall Festival!!!

This week we are covering our 7th habit of happy kids, sharpen the saw. Sharpen the saw means balancing life with work and play and doing things to sharpen your mind, body, and spirit. With this, we will have our first Sharpen the saw Friday as First Grade this week. Students who've completed all homework and class assignments will choose from 3 different activities like physical play, cosmic reading etc. Those students who are missing work will go to first things first to finish incomplete work or homework. 

Here are this weeks spelling and sight words! Study each night! 

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Working together

Found these little gyms in my photo album. Before Fall Break Mrs. Ford and Mrs Hahn were nice enough to meet us to share their presentations they created on glogster about immigration and we were able to share our living and no living posters! 

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Ahhhhhh....Fall Break!!!!

I hope everyone is having a great Fall Break! We've had a fantastic visit to New Jersey visiting family. We even got to sink our toes in the Atlantic Ocean for a bit! 

I hope you're enjoying your break as much as I am! 

When we return we will be starting lots of new things! We will begin our study on classifying objects and magnets! 

Also don't forget to send in donations for the UK/UL basket, and grocery items for the first grade grocery cart for Fall Festival! Donations will be taken until October 23rd. 

See the spelling words and sight words below. 

Some important dates:

October 17th students may wear Western Wear for rounding up nutrition week. 

October 18th students may dress as their favorite book or movie character HOWEVER, they must bring in a book to donate to their classroom. 

Report cards will go home for the first time on October 23rd. 

Fall Festival is October 24th from 5-7. Come join us for games and prizes! 

Enjoy the rest of your break! I'll see you all on Monday!!

Sunday, September 29, 2013

T- Minus 5 Days!

With only five days until Fall Break we have a busy week ahead! 

We will have the same spelling words as last week since it was a short week as far as Small group time last week. See the post from last Monday for spelling words. 

We will also finish our unit on living and Bon Lving this week with a collaboration project with the 5th grade where we will share our finished projects with them as they show us what they've been working on a well! 

Also please do not forget to send in items for the UK/UL basket we will auction off at Fall Festival on October 24th! We are also taking donations of non perishable grocery items for our grocery cart that will be given away that night as well! 

Here's to a fab five days!!!

Monday, September 23, 2013

Happy Monday!

We have a full week lined up! We are MAP testing today and tomorrow to see how our students are performing in Reading and Math! 

Our field trip to the Zoo is THIS Thursday. Please make sure your child is in uniform and wears tennis shoes on this day. 

We will not have a spelling test this Friday because of MAP Testing and our field trip. The students will receive their spelling words today, and should practice each night as usual, however the test will be NEXT Friday, October 4th. 

Below are the spelling words and sight words for the week! 

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Happy Sunday!

Hope everyone has enjoyed this beautiful cool weekend! My family and I attended a small festival near the town where we live. Nothing like the small town life- oh and yummy funnel cakes! 

Remember there is no school for student tomorrow. We teachers will be gettin' our learn on! Gotta stay sharp to keep us with our little rugrats! 

Field trip forms went home this week. If you have not returned your child form and $5, please do so as soon as possible. We could also use a few more chaperones as well! If you've been approved as a volunteer we could use your help! 

Below are this weeks spelling words! Please have your child practice them each night!


Sunday, September 8, 2013

1/8 of the school year in the books!!!

Wow! I can't believe it's already mid-September!!! Only 14 school days until Fall Break... But who's counting? 😉

This week we will finish our American symbols unit as well as briefly discuss 9/11. Progress reports will also go home this week as well. 

We've been working hard in class tackling new reading and math skills. As you've noticed we have math and spelling homework almost nightly. Please make sure your child is practicing spelling each night. It is very easy to distinguished which friends have been doing their homework! 

If you'd like fun way to practice spelling check under our "spelling" tab for website and ideas to fun practice. Mrs. Yonker's favorite is good old fashion shaving cream spelling words! Kids love smearing it on the table and writing their words in it! Messy- but well worth it! 

Here are this weeks spelling words! Have a super week! 😉

Friday, August 30, 2013

Labor no more!!!

Happy Labor Day weekend!!!

This week we finished up our unit about community helpers and also celebrated our awesome attendance with and ice cream treat! 

See our friends practicing their detective skill and learning about policemen as community helpers by investigating each others fingerprints. 

Have a great Labor day weekend and below are next weeks spelling words! Soak up some sun, summer is nearing an end!

Monday, August 26, 2013

Chefs.... Yummy!!!

This week we're studying community helpers. Today we discussed Chefs and made these adorable chef hats!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Read Alouds!

Friday, August 16, 2013

Spelling Words

This weeks spelling words! 
Our test will be on Friday, good luck!